S4E15: How To Vlog On YouTube For Beginners with  @HeatherJustCreate 

Sharing your life with the world via your YouTube channel is challenging. Going all in and making Vlogging a full time profession is an even bigger challenge. Heather Ramirez aka Heatherjustcreate did just that back in 2016 with her first video as a permanent vlogger. On this episode we talk about How To Vlog and what all is involved and the sacrifices and the challenges and most importantly the wins and the freedom to share your voice. When she started she had a checklist of everything that she felt needed to happen before she could go full time. Would that still be her checklist today? Let’s find out.

She is one of my favorite YouTuber’s because she is so authentic and she is so supportive to her community. She has been a YouTube educator who has helped others get out of their own way and just create — Hit that record button. This is going to be a great show.

Here are all the places you can find Heather online
Visit Heather’s channel here:
►► https://www.youtube.com/c/Heatherjustcreate

Visit Heather’s website to sign up for her “5 Ways to Jump Start Your Website”
►► https://learn.heatherjustcreate.com/

Here is Heather’s Social Stuff
►► Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/heatherjustcreate
►► Twitter: https://twitter.com/justcreatemore
►► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heatherjustcreate

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