S4E20: Using Checklists to Keep Your YouTube Videos On Track

This episode will feature Walter Strong III as our guest who will tell us how to use a checklist to keep your YouTube video on track. Often we lose our way before we even go live or hit that record button. Walter has made a fantastic checklist that I have started using to be sure the show is ready to go. See Walter’s link below to signup to get his checklist. Watch as we talk about why the checklist is important and walk through each of the items to be sure we are truly ready before, during, and after the video or live video is done. This checklist is amazing and I try to use it every video that I do.

Instructions to access The Huddle Live Stream Checklist
Click on the link

Scroll down to The Huddle Community
Join Walter’s email list by submitting your first and last name and email address.

Here are all the cool places to find Walter:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/WalterStrongIIIthehuddle
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/walterstrongiii/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/walter-strong-iii-0a5061105/


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S4E6: How I Go Live On YouTube…

#TechTroublemaker #Livestreaming #LiveStreamer This episode I show you how I build my show each week. Come by and ask questions about my process. Is it perfect? No. Does it work for me? Mostly.

Each week on Tuesday nights at 9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific, I host a live stream on YouTube often with guests and we talk about different tech topics. The process of going live is so fun to me and I explain what happens along the way. My favorite Live Streaming software is Ecamm Live (a Mac only product that makes live production and even recording so easy). If you are a Windows user, OBS should be where you start as it is free but if you want the best way for Windows, look at vMIx, while not free, it should makes live streaming easy. But if you want even easier and you don’t have a lot of requirements, then Streamyard, which is a great web browser based way to go live. 

If I can help, let me know. Visit my YouTube channel for lots of tutorials.


►► https://www.ecamm.com/mac/ecammlive/?fp_ref=roy47