Dearly beloved
We are gathered here today
To get through this thing called lifeElectric word life
It means forever and that’s a mighty long time
But I’m here to tell you
There’s something else
The after worldA world of never ending happiness
You can always see the sun, day or night-“Let’s Go Crazy” Prince and The Revolution
Those lyrics seem appropriate. I am not usually one to quote lyrics but as I was starting this entry, well, it seems like that is what I wanted to do. So there.
A couple of people who follow me Tweeted me to ask was I posting at least twice a week to my blog. Sadly no. Thank you for trying to hold me accountable. I have started two or three blog posts about WordPress or social media topics and when I didn’t have the time to devote to them I had to stop and leave them in draft. My posts are often perhaps overly long. I don’t like to tell half the story. I also love to use images to help tell a story or explain how to do something. Teaching others is my passion. So if I can’t cover a topic well, I don’t want to cover it.

And Life has been happening. I have a “day job” that sadly keeps me away from writing full time. I also teach part time at a technical college. If it paid better I would love to teach full time. That day will come one day. I have kids who need time as they are a bigger legacy than any word I could ever write. I have an awesome wife who puts up with my craziness and who has been going through her own struggles as she has worked hard to help with her mom’s failing health. This involved lots of travel and her being away from home days at a time. So I have tried my best to keep the world running. Sure, the kids may have gone to school dressed as clowns wearing mismatched socks but I kept them fed and bathed. Yes, I can keep the house running but there is a synchronicity between my wife and I. She is the Ying to my Yang. So things do not run as smooth when she is not here.

In the end her mom passed away Monday of this week. So now her Mom suffers from her earthly pains no more and is probably seeing her family and other love ones who passed on before in heaven.
[clickToTweet tweet=”A bad change can be made and then there is the mid-course correction and that is the start of better change.” quote=”A bad change can be made and then there is the mid-course correction and that is the start of better change.”]
And then there is that day job. We just had a change in upper management. Disclaimer Alert: The views expressed by my online persona are my own and not of anyone I am or have ever been employed by. With changes in management there is always uncertainty. Will the new management change things up or will things some how remain the same. There are times when I seek even bad changes because at least that is a change. When the car stops moving forward, when there is no longer innovation, some times bad choices lead down a path to better choices. I certainly don’t seek bad choices but sometimes you have to allow change of any kind in order to allow change of a better kind.
So suddenly the pressure is on to make a good impression. But the funny thing is I have a long track record of delivering the goods. While I may need to adjust my methods to new reporting requirements, I just need to keep doing what I do. I prefer to work behind the scenes and not be in the political machines that every company seems to have. And I try to stay away from politicians as they do not seem to move things forward.