S5E11: The Business of Content Creation

#contentcreators #techtroublemaker #monetization

Are you creating content as a hobby or have you just not broken the monetization requirements yet? Or maybe you have but you haven’t focused yourself to make a business of your content creation efforts? When is it time to turn your passion into a business; potentially passion into profits? If you are like me, you have probably spent a lot of money on subscriptions like TubeBuddy, VidIQ, Epidemic Sound, perhaps your streaming software, Restream, etc, production tools like microphones, cameras, lights.

How do you at least make back the money you have invested in your efforts? James Hicks of Hicks New Media, https://www.youtube.com/@JamesHicks will be our guest teaching us the Basics of forming an LLC (granted each states’ laws are different), Merchandising, and Affiliate Marketing and his experiences.

Visit his site http://hicksnewmedia.com/

This episode we will talk about knowing when your efforts should be a business and ways you can make money even before you hit the minimum requirements of each platform whether Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc. Even if you have hit the goals needed to monetized you will learn tips on how to make money other ways to ensure social media isn’t your own revenue stream.


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Anything you give will be “poured” into this channel for equipment upgrades and tech to make it better.

Find me on Twitter if you want to talk to me ►► https://www.twitter.com/techtroublemkr

And of course I am over on Threads now.
