S4E19: Producing Live Youtube Shows

#TechTroublemaker #ProducingLive #TallBoy

This Episode @IAMTALLBOY will talk to us about Producing Live YouTube Shows. Corey “Tall Boy” Sanders currently produces multiple different YouTube shows for other content creators. Creators meet with TallBoy and he helps them create their shows and then often helps them with going live. We will talk about the process of coming up with concepts for a live show and how to produce each episode.

If for some reason you don’t know Corey (Wait, you don’t know Corey?) he has interviewed so many celebrity personalities and major players in politics and in sports. You should subscribe to his channel to see his adventures.

If you want to find Corey, go visit his website that will point to all the places you will find him online.

He goes live every Wednesday night with @The Lab Tech Show at 8pm EST and 6pm PST where he talks about tech topics in the news in plain english.

Stick around until the end for the Lightning Round.

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Anything you give will be “poured” into this channel for equipment upgrades and tech to make it better.

S4E18: The Best Gear for Livestreaming

#TechTroublemaker #LiveStreamingGear #BASICNAS

This Episode we talk about the Best Live Streaming Gear. Victor from “Basic Networks and Streaming” will show us how to have both simple setups as well as complicated as you want to livestream. We will even do a demo of OBS. Which cameras should you use? What mics should you use? Victor will give us his insights on streaming gear.

Victor is a live streaming expert who is often called upon to demonstrate what is possible with different gear combinations. He is a big contributor to the EcammLive Facebook Community where he helps so many folks figure out how to accomplish their goals with Ecamm Live. This will be a fun episode and yes, stick around until the end for the Lightning Round.

Want to see Victor’s channel? Visit here:

Or visit his website: https://www.basicnas.com/

Want to help support this channel? Visit this link and buy me a☕️coffee☕️
►► https://www.buymeacoffee.com/techtroublemkr