S5E15: 8 Mistakes Small YouTubers like You and I Make and How to Fix them

#TechTroublemaker #NoExcuses

So many mistakes, so little time. I am often asked how do I make so many mistakes in a day. It’s easy. I get up early.

This episode we talk about 8 Mistakes Small YouTubers Like YOU and I Make. And hopefully one day we will both stop doing that. Why do I keep making these mistakes over and over again even though I know that I shouldn’t? Have you ever felt that way? Part of the issues is that some of these mistakes require effort and if you are a content creator who also works a full time job, which means your YouTube creation is fit into the time you can squeeze in between family and home and whatever else you have going on. It is probably time to make up some “Atomic Habits” to organize your life.

S5E14: Crafting Your Avatar, Your Ideal Audience

#contentcreators #techtroublemaker #avatar

In this episode we talk about crafting your ideal viewer avatar. What is an avatar? In this case it isn’t some blue creatures from another world fighting to save their ecosystem, instead, it is defining who your content is ultimately for and building a profile to make sure you focus on creating content for them first and foremost. Here is the worksheet. https://techtroublemaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/AvatarsWorksheet.xlsx

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